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Aromatic Club Defender For Men

Defender by Aromatic Club has a subtle strawberry aroma that is zesty and pleasant. Lemon and sage are the top notes; praline, cinnamon, tolu balsam, and black cardamom are the middle notes; and Brazilian rosewood, patchouli, and black amber are the foundation notes. Defender is a bit of a misnomer—it's...

Aromatic Club


99 In Stock


Defender by Aromatic Club has a subtle strawberry aroma that is zesty and pleasant. Lemon and sage are the top notes; praline, cinnamon, tolu balsam, and black cardamom are the middle notes; and Brazilian rosewood, patchouli, and black amber are the foundation notes.

Defender is a bit of a misnomer—it's not a dark perfume; rather, it's warm, pleasantly musky, fruity, and sweet with a hint of masculinity or unisex.

This would be a wonderful addition to your collection if you enjoy warm, sweet scents that are intended for males but may also work for women. begins with a rich dose of wood lactones and fruity aldehydes. Very accurate in capturing the scent of smooth, fragrant wood surfaces and darker fruit flesh. It has the authentic scent of a modern men's cologne. that sentiment that is stereotyped. Perfume 100ml

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